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传世艺术-世界共享 特别推荐艺术家—吴海龙
来源:本站 作者:编辑 日期:2021/12/11 23:44:09

传世艺术-世界共享 特别推荐艺术家—吴海龙

吴海龙,中国工艺美术大师,紫砂壶型设计大师、中国国礼特供艺术家、手工艺术专业委员会会员。中国文化遗产保护传承人物、中阿经贸合作论坛艺术宣传大使、中国书法文化研究所创作中心客座教授、中华民族伟大复兴杰出贡献人物。中华民族杰出艺术家,中国囯际现代艺术研究中心终身艺术顾问。 中国领导干部龙文化书画院紫砂艺术馆馆长、“吴氏金鼎”品牌创始人,吴氏陶艺紫砂艺术馆馆长,诚信紫砂艺术家。宜兴吴门,百年传承。吴氏陶艺第五代传人吴海龙从小聪明智慧,幼随父习艺,薰艺家风,承前启后,把吴氏紫砂绝艺发扬光大。作品均以天然原材料为主,采用吴家传统工艺和创新技法,突出其精湛的技艺,自成一体,独创吴氏重传统更重创新的风格。吴海龙自幼乐于收藏,从家藏老壶中传承并创新,他设计的紫砂壶外形既尊重传统,又“方非一式,圆不一相”,突出变化,外形既古雅时尚、又朴实自然。其作品寓意于壶,还魂于砂,严谨而不泥古,典雅也趣于天然。他的紫砂作品多次荣获海内外国际性及国家级金奖,被人民大会堂、中南海艺术馆、国家博物馆、中国农业博物馆等纷纷收藏。2012年5月在手工制陶大赛中《小竹扁壶》荣获一等奖。2016年12月16日《仿古壶》被中国农业博物馆收藏。2017年9月,紫砂壶作品荣获2017年阿塔纳世博会中国美食与文化馆紫砂工艺金奖。2017年9月19日担任纽约美中艺术文化交流协会执行主席。2018年7月20日《彩蝶壶》荣获中国工合一带一路艺术文化节暨手工艺大师精品展《工合杯〉金奖。2019年6月18日中国紫砂,薪火相传,国家工艺美术大师特殊贡献奖,2019年11月,吴海龙大师创作的《哈密瓜壶》在中国轻工业联合会举办的首届“百鹤杯”工艺美术设计创新大赛中荣获“百鹤奖”。2020年中国艺术名家档案馆特聘请吴海龙加入《中国艺术名家档案馆》,终身会员。2020年9月10日,吴海龙大师受邀参加由故宫博物院主办的“丹宸永固——紫禁城建成六百年”展开幕式。其名入选《2021年巨献》、建党百年、紫砂风云人物。入选中国人物专题报道2021年国际艺术名家,获得首届国际艺术家金马奖,被誉为2021年中国环球楷模中国工艺美术大师,2020东京奥运首席代表艺术家,2021年被聘为中国人物报道主席。2021年建党百年国际最具影响力艺术家荣誉称号。2021年在CCTV《我爱你中华》特授予华夏经典传承人称号。2021年被评为国际文化形象大使。2022年全国贺岁CCTV时代焦点人物。

Wu Hailong is a master of Chinese arts and crafts, a master of purple clay pot design, a special artist for Chinese national ceremony and a member of the professional committee of handicrafts. Chinese cultural heritage protection and inheritance figure, Art Publicity Ambassador of China Arab Economic and trade cooperation forum, visiting professor of the creation center of China calligraphy and Culture Research Institute, and outstanding contributor to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He is an outstanding artist of the Chinese nation and a lifelong art consultant of China International Modern Art Research Center. China's leading cadre, curator of purple sand art museum of long culture painting and Calligraphy Academy, founder of "Wu's Jinding" brand, curator of Wu's ceramic purple sand art museum and honest purple sand artist. Yixing Wumen has been inherited for a hundred years. Wu Hailong, the fifth generation descendant of Wu's pottery art, was smart and wise since childhood. He studied art with his father and smoked the family style. He inherited the past and carried forward Wu's unique purple sand art. The works are mainly made of natural raw materials, adopt Wu's traditional crafts and innovative techniques, highlight their exquisite skills, form a whole, and create Wu's style of emphasizing tradition and innovation. Wu Hailong has been fond of collecting since childhood, inheriting and innovating from the old pot collected at home. The shape of the purple clay pot he designed not only respects the tradition, but also "square is not in one form, round is not in one phase", highlighting changes. The shape is both quaint and fashionable, simple and natural. His works are meant to be in the pot, revived in the sand, rigorous but not quaint, elegant and interesting in nature. His purple sand works have won international and national gold awards at home and abroad for many times, and have been collected by the Great Hall of the people, Zhongnanhai Art Museum, National Museum, China Agricultural Museum and so on. In May 2012, little bamboo flat pot won the first prize in the manual pottery competition. On December 16, 2016, antique pot was collected by China Agricultural Museum. In September 2017, the purple clay pot won the gold medal of purple clay craft of China food and Culture Museum at the 2017 atana World Expo. On September 19, 2017, he served as the executive chairman of the American Chinese art and Culture Exchange Association in New York. China's China China Red Arts Festival one belt, one road Art Festival and the master of handicrafts exhibition, won the gold medal of the Gonghe cup in July 20, 2018. In June 18, 2019, China's purple sand was handed down from the torch to the motherland, and the special contribution award of the national arts and crafts master, November 2019, the first hamlet of Wu Hailong, was created by the Chinese Light Industry Federation. In the arts and crafts design innovation competition, Wu Hailong won the "hundred cranes Award". In 2020, the archives of Chinese artists invited Wu Hailong to join the archives of Chinese artists as a lifelong member. On September 10, 2020, Master Wu Hailong was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Danchen YONGGU - 600 years after the completion of the Forbidden City" hosted by the National Palace Museum. His name was selected into the "great sacrifice in 2021" , the man of the century since the founding of the Communist Party of China and the man of the purple sand. He was selected as an international artist in the special report on Chinese characters in 2021, won the first international artist Golden Horse Award, was known as the model of China around the world in 2021, the master of Chinese arts and crafts, the chief representative artist of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, and was employed as the chairman of the report on Chinese characters in 2021. In 2021, he was honored as the most influential international artist in the century since the founding of the Communist Party of China In, he was awarded the title of inheritor of Chinese classics in CCTV I love you China. In 2021, he was rated as an international cultural ambassador. In 2022, he was the focus of the CCTV era for the national new year.
